- Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered on any part of the cemetery.
- All persons shall be allowed access to the cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect.
- No vault or mausoleum shall be built above ground.
- No interment shall be allowed without obtaining a permit from Pine Grove Cemetery Board of Directors. At the time of applying for a permit, the following information must be furnished:
- Name of deceased
- Age of deceased including date of birth
- Place of birth of deceased
- Date of death
- Time & date of interment
- If not an adult, the name of parent(s) or guardian(s)
- All interments, including cremated remains, must be under the supervision of a registered Funeral Director.
- Concrete vaults or grave liners are required.
- Interment of cremated remains will be permitted only in appropriate rigid receptacles such as wood, metal, plastic, or concrete.
- Disinterments will be allowed provided the laws of the state of Pennsylvania are complied with.
- All of the lots in Pine Grove Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and shall not be used for any other purpose than as a burial place for the deceased.
- Lot owners are prohibited from allowing interments on their lot for compensation. Interment in a lot is restricted to those entitled to burial there according to the terms of the Pine Grove Cemetery Bylaws.
- The full purchase price must be paid before a deed is issued or a burial is allowed on the lot.
- Pine Grove Cemetery Board reserves the right to restrict planting of shrubs and trees, and to remove any shrub or tree deemed dangerous and/or a nuisance to the public. The Board further reserves the right to remove all flowers, decorations, or other embellishments as soon as they become unsightly.
- Artificial flowers or decorations are allowed, but will be removed periodically.
- Use of glass blocks or vases as receptacles for flowers is prohibited.
- No markers or monuments shall be admitted that utilize colors other than those of natural stone.
- New monuments shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the cemetery and shall conform with said plan in size and material. The bases of all monuments shall be finished true and level so as to fit on foundations.
- All work done in the cemetery shall be by individuals under contract to the Board.
- Heavy trucking or vehicular traffic shall be refused entrance to the cemetery when injury to the road might result.
- Graves will not be opened when inclement weather conditions such as frost, snow, or mud warrant refusal. Because the cemetery does not maintain a vault, funeral directors are responsible for this service. Snow removal fees may apply.